The Mavericks '24 Day 1

The Mavericks '24 Day 1

Concert Date: May 23, 2024 (Thursday)
Begins at 7:00 p.m.
Concert Website: https://tickets.knuckleheadskc.com/orderticketsvenue.asp?p=2185

Venue: Knuckleheads
2715 Rochester Ave
Kansas City, Missouri 64120
Venue website: https://knuckleheadskc.com/

The Mavericks a country and rock band who have been together for 30 years and counting.  They released their first spanish album last August, "En Espanol" on their own Mono Mundo label.

Their classic country hits include "All You Ever Do Is Bring Me Down" "Here Comes The Rain" "There Goes My Heart" "O What A Thrill" "Dance The Night Away" "What A Crying Shame" and many more hits.